Sunday, July 26, 2009

Political Poster Parade

So, here are those Obama posters everybody's talking about.  I also found a couple of the same thing only with Bush as the subject.

Personally, I find the Bush versions to be much scarier.  Maybe it's the wrinkles. 

Of course the people who like Obama say his Joker Posters are racist.  I guess the Bush people didn't get to say that.  Maybe they said it was Agist. Or Texist.  Of course, since Bush lost it could be called Losist.  All I can think is "Man, I want to see Batman again."     I mean, damn.  What a great movie.

The Gravytrain: Joker?  I don't even like her.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Conspiracy 101

Hey everybody.  Now, before you start in with your preconceived notions of what "conspiracy" means, just hang on.  Open your mind.  Relax.  And consider the idea that you've been consistently lied to by people who had a lot of reasons to lie to you.  It's not your fault!  Don't feel stupid or "duped."  These people may have been in control for a long time.  You probably never had a chance.  And there are so many things to distract us from getting to THE TRUTH.  So just know, up until now, ignorance has not been your fault.  

But from this point on, it is.

And I am here to help you.  I'll walk you through all the big conspiracies and why you should be aware of them.  So, turn up the AM radio, pop on that tinfoil hat and let's go! 

The Gravytrain: Think about it...if you dare.